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A brief introduction to LiBai(李白简介)

[江油李白故里网] 日期:2016年9月2日4399作者: 来源:放大字体正常缩小关闭

I am happy to know you are interested in Chinese poems. Here is a brief introduction to an important poet in Chinese history.

LiBai, one of the most famous poets in Tang Dynasty, was born in 701 AD and died in 762 AD.

Having rich imagination, Li Bai created a large number of wonderful poems throughout his life.

His poems had a great influence on the poets after him. Even now, many Chinese people still enjoy reading his poems.

His poems had a great influence on the poets after him. Even now, many Chinese people still enjoy reading his poems.

As an important part of Chinese and world cultural relics, Li Bai’s poems have been translated into many languages.

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